My latest raw creation was inspired by a recent juice fast I suffered through. Sounds strange, I know, but it's a long story I'm sure no one cares to hear about (sorry you had to
C&S)! So during the fast, I juiced a lot of carrots, consequently collecting piles of pulp! Since I don't compost, I decided to freeze the pulp until I figured out a good use for it. This is what I came up with :) And I must say, the cupcakes are pretty amazing! Come to
THIS EVENT if you'd like to try one! Or follow the recipe below...but I will warn you--the process is quite elaborate--and don't even get me started on the clean-up!
Carrot Cake "Dough"
5 cups raw carrot pulp (from juicing device)
2 cups finely ground flax seeds or flax meal
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
2 cups chopped walnuts
1/2 cup raw agave nectar
2 cups dates (pre-soaked/puréed)
2 tablespoons virgin coconut oil
1 teaspoon vanilla extract (non-alcohol)
In a large bowl, combine all dry ingredients (carrot pulp included) and mix thoroughly. Add the remaining ingredients and kneed well. "Dough" should be fairly malleable.
Use cupcake pan to fill parchment cups halfway with mixture, using finger tips for leveling.
Place filled cups on one dehydrator pan. Dehydrate cupcakes at 110 degrees F for 3 hours. Store cupcakes in refrigerator while you prepare frosting.
Cream "Cheese" Frosting
3 cups raw cashews (pre-soaked)
1 cup raw agave nectar
1 1/4 cups virgin coconut oil
Purée cashews and agave nectar in a food processor until you reach an even consistency. The mixture will be quite runny. In a large bowl, combine cashew/agave purée and coconut oil. Use hand mixer to whip into a frosting consistency. Place frosting in refrigerator for 15-20 minutes before decorating cupcakes. I used a large tip to dress my cupcakes (a fun technique I learned in my days as a Spiral Diner cake decorator).